True Stories From Difficult Times


Author's Biography

Victor Manta was born into a Jewish family in the former USSR in 1944. He lived and worked for many years in Romania and Switzerland and is now in the United States. Victor is a physicist, with a master's degree in the area. He is married, with a daughter and a granddaughter. His hobbies are electronics, computing, philately, reading, movies, and tennis.

Book Description

This book is about author's childhood as a Jewish child in the Soviet Union (mostly in a region named Northern Bukovina) during and after World War II. It delves into life in the country, the animals and birds inside and outside the yard, nature, and the gradual destruction of the environment. It is also about the joy of his childhood.

Target audience

The book is intended both for children and for adults who read books to children, but who can find something of interest for them as well.

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Short excerpts from the book

I cannot really remember the first stories I heard, since I was too young at the time. Some of them were told to me by my mother and others by my "nanny." The nanny was a male German prisoner whose name was Kurt, and the events took place during and shortly after the Second World War, in a city in the former USSR called Kyshtym, which is my and my brother Sasha's birthplace.

It was only much later that I understood the special circumstances under which a family of Jews would entrust to a German—who came from a country that had set itself the goal of exterminating all Jews—the task of taking care of their children. Not without interest is the fact that we children spoke not only with Kurt, but also with our mother, the language of the deadly enemy that invaded the country in which my brother and I were born.


The puppies are hungry

The puppies grew and demanded more and more food, but Bobic could no longer cope with their growing appetite. Then they showed initiative and convinced the sow in the yard, whose piglets had been given away to interested parties, to nurse them.

Given that the piglets were gone, she was happy to have the puppies nursing, as observed by us, the children, with great surprise and even more glee.


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